rye bread buns to help fight breast cancer


The discovery of coffee happened when a goat-herder’s flock wandered to an area where they started consuming berries from a mysterious tree. Read More at Yanko Design


Представляем вашему вниманию подборку лучших работ второго задания группового тура. 10 логотипов со своими названиями в исполнении дизайнеров...


10+ Of The Most Genius Food Packaging Designs Ever Created




Si el café es tu más grande adicción, nada te hará llorar tanto de felicidad como esto.


There's a thing I will always do appreciate about  branding is that creating/making a identity takes a lot more process than we always think.






FARGO: June cereal packaging by Daniel G Wells curated by Packaging Diva PD. Assorted cereals that look delish.


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